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Suicide or murder??

 I was answering to a question on Quora , as given:


   But, soon, within an hour, I got shocked to hear a very sad news of the sudden demise of one of my daughter's friends, who was doing Integrated Msc. in NIT, Rourkela. What a coincidence it was... It really bothered me a lot. I couldn't help myself.

It compelled me to share my grief with all concerned.

May his soul rest in peace.🙏🙏🙏

Every now and then, we come across the news of sudden death of young students who have not even started their own lives. What must be the reason behind such cases...... suicide...or....murder?? Who's responsible for such cases???
Isn't it time to focus on such issues and seek out solutions for reducing the number or frequency of such cases?
Well, we all the family members, society, community members and above all the whole system of the country require modification for the welfare of the young masses.

Many nonprofit organisations have come up with the idea of changing the educational system of our country. Many organisations have laid down the concept of integrated education or all-round development of a child. But are they successful in implementing the innovative ideas??
Anyways, instead of blaming each other, we must introspect ourselves,where lies the ground reality ???
We parents,are the first teachers of our kids. We must cultivate some virtues, ethics to be deeply rooted in the minds of entire family members. Sincerity, honesty, truthfulness etc. must be given importance rather than hatred, jealousy, lies, anger, fear and such other negative forces.
Children should be observed with great care by both parents and teachers at the early stages of life. Each child is unique. We should try to tap the potential within him/her and encourage to excel in that field, rather than forcing them towards high ambitions. Often people categorize different occupations as high or low. And parents expect their children to achieve high ambitions only. In fact, I have seen one father  in a foreign country feeling proud to share a post in social media conveying that his daughter got cabs' licence (driver). But, People in India generally hesitate to share such type of posts. It's a case of inferiority complex. Dignity of labor should be prioritized.
It's a sincere request to all the members of society to have some empathy towards our young masses. They  are too burdened with pressures of studies, career selection or getting employment in today's world of competition. Both parents as well as teachers should initiate activities like yoga, meditation etc. on a regular basis. Because this type of relaxation techniques really help in concentrating their minds to focus on studies as well as other important aspects and building confidence to face any kind of problems. So how poor our system may be in various fields, we should overlook negativity and start giving importance to positive thinking.
Being a teacher and a mother like figure to Sayed, it's a very saddening experience for me as well as my daughter.
Dear parents and teachers, please spread more awareness to society through sharing this post and other alternatives/suggestions so as to eradicate cases of suicides among young students.
We must not kill their sentiments or interests in life as well illustrated in the movie "Taren Zameen par".



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