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A compilation of view points on politics

It's peak time for Elections and there's news all over regarding candidature for contestants and their campaigns going on every moment. Different political parties spend a huge amount of money on this. But have you ever thought of the sources?..Where it comes from? Is it worth spending this much amount in this field?
Is it justice to society as a whole?
In stead it could have been utilized for other social causes.

What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) & a Political Thief (PT) ?

1. The Ordinary Thief steals your Money, bag, watch, gold chain etc.
*The Political Thief steals your future, career, education, health & business!*

2. *The hilarious part is:*
The Ordinary Thief will choose whom to rob.
*You yourself choose the Political Thief to rob you.*

3. *The most ironic one:*
Police will chase and nab the Ordinary Thief.
*Police will look after and protect the Political Thief!*

That’s the travesty cum irony of our current society!
And, we blindly say we are not blind.
 It was always bothering me, why I was so poor to cope up with politics in every sphere of life after completing Masters degree in Political Science?
In fact there is a huge difference between the theory and practice. We had studied the role of Political Parties in the context of a democratic country like India. Sadly, even today if we travel to the remote parts of our country and speak to the less educated people, we will definitely come across many who do not know any idea about the nature of our Government, our Constitution, Fundamental Rights and duties of citizens.
Of course, for the success of DEMOCRACY, political parties do have an important  role to play and perform different functions such as:
- Contest elections
- Put forward different policies and programmes
- Play a decisive role in making laws
- Form and run governments
- Sometimes play the role of opposition to the ruling party
- Shape public opinion
- Provide people access to govt, machinery and welfare schemes

But what in reality.....? Do the political parties really work for the success of democracy or they are being partial and do nothing but divide people?
Political parties and candidates in elections make appeals to caste sentiments to muster support. Some political parties are known to favor some castes and are seen as their representatives. New kinds of caste groups have come up in the political arena like 'backward' and 'forward' caste groups, Dalits and OBC . Though it has benefited people from lower castes, minorities ... But exclusive attention to caste and religion has its negative impacts also those innocent people who are suffering a lot.

  In spite of their efforts to influence more and more people through unfair means, they are losing the trust of people. They are unsuccessful in their attempts. The proportion of those who say their trust in political parties is "not much" or "not at all" is more than those who have "some" or "great" trust.
It's high time now for the general public to be aware of manipulation, unnecessary expenses for campaigns , use of unfair means by the political parties. We must not be fascinated by the dramatic role of politicians who frequently change their parties for their interests.
  If every now and then people change their parties, how can they be trusted that they will keep all their promises for the betterment of society.
At last it's made clear that this blog is written on the basis of a common citizen's view points only and not intended to point fingers at a specific political party. Rather, I would say, no political party  either ruling or opposition has been able to extend support , when required. 
My grievances are yet to be redressed.


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