"GURU" If you trace back to the past, you could understand how sacred was the concept of teacher. Only a real scholar, proven master, spiritually enlightened person, was recognized, appointed, and respected as Guru. As you know, India has a very old (Guru Shishya) tradition. For his selfless service, teacher, the Guru, was held teacher in a very high esteem by the society and was respected by even kings. He was revered more than parents and enjoyed a unique status, even higher than that of gods: "Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gururdevo Maheshwara! : Guru Sakshat Parambrahma Tasmai Shree Guruve Namah!! " The Guru was an epitome of good qualities of head, heart and hand, spirituality, knowledge, scholarship. A true teacher was supposed to be a student till the end of his life. It is like our concept of teach...
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